Society for the Promotion of the Mainz Museum of City History (registered society)
Objectives and Origins
The Society for the Promotion of the Mainz Museum of City History was founded in 1996. The objectives of the society were set in the statutes (§2):
The goal of the society is the promotion of the planned Museum of City History of Mainz. It is realized by:
1. preparatory work for the equipment of the Museum of City History, in particular by collecting exhibits and donations;
2. public relations to promote the goals and contents of the planned Museum of City History and to promote its realization;
3. scientific work connected with the construction of the Museum of City History and the history of Mainz;
4. support of the Museum of City History after its construction, during the development phase and during operation.
After the plans for a Museum of City History in the Provisions Department in the Schillerstraße had been dropped in 1999, the society was offered the two lower floors of the historical "Haus zum Stein" in the Weintorstraße in order to use them for three years. We decided to act as temporary trustees of the "museum in development". The beginnings were marked in the "Haus zum Stein" by the two exhibitions on city history "Magenza – 1,000 Years of Jewish Mainz" and "Economic and Working Life of Mainz in the 19th and 20th Centuries". The exhibitions were opened on 7th December 2000.
In the spring of 2003 a relocation became necessary. The City of Mainz provided new rooms in the Citadel so that the Museum of City History is again housed in a historical place. In the near future, there is also the possibility to extend the exhibition area so that the museum can develop further in order to present new topics in permanent and special exhibitions.